FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions

If we set a new world record, is it acknowledged by the Guinness Book of World Record organization?
Yes. The current valid world record is 1,451, set in London. If we set a new world record, it will be published by Guinness Book of World Record.

Does it matter how long it takes to solve the Rubik's Cube®?
There is a time limit of 60 min. Most people who can solve the Rubik's Cube® do it in 5 min. or less.

Are there registration fee?
According our current plans, we have registration fee of at least $10 per participant, unfortunately. With $10, we cover administration costs and fees for the adjudicator from the Guinness Book of World Record Organization which witnesses (hopefully) the new world record and confirms it immediately at the end of the event. The costs for the adjudicator are around $7,000. We try to find event sponsors, so we can reduce the fee.

Who can participate in the event?
Everybody! It does not matter where you live. If you live in Mercer County or not, you can participate. It does not matter how old you are. You may be four, fourty or eigthy, you can participate. Even if you live abroad or oversees, you can participate. The only conditions are: You know how to solve the Rubik's Cube and you register for the event.

Do I have to bring my own cube to the event?
No. We'll lend you Rubik's Cubes® for the event. The cubes are provided by Hasbro. You cannot use your own cube because the Guinness Book of World Record organization requires that each cube used during the event was shuffled 40 times by an independent person. We don't have the logistics infrastructure to meet this requirement.

Nobody approached my school and we are interested to participate. Can we and who should we contact? Please contact:rubikscube2013@gmail.com


  1. Hi Davis,
    thanks for your question. We'll get cubes during the event, so don't bring your own cube.

  2. How many people have signed up so far?
